Way To Achieve Successful Company Team Building

employee recognition kudos app slack employee engagement


Recent discussions on Linkedin about the world of company benefits got me thinking reflection - whether traditional non-wage benefits as a salary supplement still fulfill still serve their purpose, i.e.: 

  • Do they motivate employees and keep that motivation high? 

  • Does their existence improve the company's attractiveness in the eyes of the team and potential new team members?

  • Have they become so customized that they become a mandatory good and are to be in every company?

  • What should be changed in benefit resources so that the benefit regains its motivating importance significance?

The answer to this question may be one magic word "kudos" that has been appearing for some time among representatives of HR departments. Changing the outlook on the role of the benefit and slightly modifying its application is, entering the labor market after the generation of Millenials, X, and Y, generation Z, the so-called "Zetas."   This is a generation of employees who value independence and creativity.   Acting with passion and a constant hunger for new experiences, which it is worth (and even necessary!) to take advantage of to remain competitive in the labor market in the face of powerful demographic and economic changes.

That's why the unique NFT Reality KUDOS application developed by Mobile Reality, which is a plug-in to the existing SLACK messenger and soon-to-be Microsoft Teams, is an ideal solution as an addition to the company's long list of benefits, and which will become the icing on the cake in the sphere of the benefits. Using clear rules and gamification elements, and equipped with clear rules of operation, it is sure to keep the team's motivation at a high enough level. 

This is a great and modern tool for employee recognition, which can:

  1. To stimulate joy and satisfaction from receiving, but most importantly from giving KUDOS

  2. Having the employee not only give verbal kudos in the form of phrases: "You're great", "keep doing that", "you've already achieved a lot" or "Design issues are like daily coffee for you", but the addition is an attractive-looking and unique token designed only for your company. 

  3. Token is a digital artistic work individually and uniquely created by Mobile Reality's graphic designers

  4. Each company can have unique digital rewards, marked with the company's logo, which identify with the values of the company's team.

Why is it such a good motivational tool?

Studies show that most adults are working, but it turns out that only about 48% of them are motivated. Among them are also people who earn really good money - the conclusion is that it's not the amount of salary that guarantees that our employees will be effective. So here's how NFT Reality KUDOS has an impact on sustaining employee motivation. 

The following will demonstrate how, in most of the factors that motivate people to work, the operation of a simple NFT Reality KUDOS application can enhance work motivation and raise the level of employee satisfaction and contentment. 

That's why the unique NFT Reality KUDOS application developed by Mobile Reality, which is a plug-in to the existing SLACK messenger and soon-to-be Microsoft Teams, is an ideal solution as an addition to the company's long list of benefits, and which will become the icing on the cake in the sphere of the benefits. Using clear rules and gamification elements, and equipped with clear rules of operation, it is sure to keep the team's motivation at a high enough level. 

To what extent will this application help you?  

Personal development and Professional development

NFT Reality KUDOS is one of the strongest motivators for those employees who like to work on the strength of their character and take on new challenges in their professional life. Such an employee is motivated to work by the very fact of developing their talents and the use of the NFT Reality KUDOS application sustains the employee's personal development at the level of appreciation by receiving kudos every week in terms of important values for your company such as facilitator, supporter, leader, motivator or seeker.

The person assigning the recognition does not have to be the manager of that particular employee. It can be a colleague with whom he or she works together, which is even more conducive to the employee's personal development when he or she feels recognition from his or her colleagues at work and superiors. The NFT Reality KUDOS application is also distinguished by the fact that in addition to the words of praise and recognition, a unique token is awarded, which is so nice to add to the "token collection" is also the possibility to award points, thanks to which the employee can "calculate" at what level his self-development is measured in the company.

Money values 

What impact does NFT Reality KUDOS have on this one of the most important factors for our employees? Well, each of us wants to be well compensated, we don't want to live "from first to first", we want to earn enough to pursue our passions and dreams. NFT Reality KUDOS shows that earning is not just a monthly salary, but the opportunity to multiply your earnings through investing and collecting. Especially since in the IT industry, Mobile Reality was recognized by Clutch as the best app development company in the field of art, entertainment, and music in Poland!

The NFT Reality KUDOS application in the future using Blockchain Technology allows an employee to create a virtual gallery of their tokens - a way to earn. Unique tokens have value, and your employee can collect them. You, as an employer, can make your brand/logo a unique value, and its possession over time acquires value just like a work of art, only in the virtual world. The gallery is virtual, too - and this is the generation living on the Internet. Unique digital awards, branded with your company's logo, that identify with your team's values.

Positive vibe 

There is nothing better for an employee working remotely than a good communicator, with NFT Reality KUDOS installed, which undoubtedly has a significant impact on building proper communication among employees in the company. At least once a week you can express your opinion about a colleague or a superior, which promotes a better atmosphere at work, and thus increases motivation and efficiency at work. 

It is thanks to kudos that communication is direct. There is room for free expression of one's opinion, which gives space for dialogue - with co-workers and superiors. There is a reduction in the role of the corporate hierarchy, or even its complete abolition. Everyone has the right to receive and send a token. The thought is that this is the element that allows the company to get closer to becoming a turquoise organization.

NFT Reality KUDOS makes employees feel more empowered and free to act. This builds an organizational culture where employees' values coincide with those of the company. This gives the effect of full involvement of employees in the realization of the company's tasks. We devote about 8 hours a day to work, and for many of us, it is extremely important to come to work with joy and pleasure. We don't want a bad atmosphere or stress or inappropriate working conditions to leave their mark on our personal and professional lives. And this is where NFT Reality KUDOS come in, giving you that moment of pleasure not only from receiving kudos themselves but also from giving them. By giving kudos you share positive vibes with your team members, and if you forget about it, NFT Reality KUDOS will remind you "Hey! It's Friday already! For sure week was successful for you and your team. Think of who should get the NFT kudos! And it won't let you forget. 

A feeling of decision-making

What better place to freely express your opinion than NFT Reality KUDOS? It's up to you to decide which kudos from a wide range you will grant not only to your colleague but also to your manager or employer.


Weekly point rankings in NFT Reality KUDOS raise the prestige and importance of people in the company. It is thought that everyone will feel great having a high ranking. It raises his importance in terms of his competence or self-improvement. Striving for success adds wings and is a reward in itself, but preceded by kudos of the right kind and appropriate scoring, it gives measurable and real satisfaction.

Work organization, stability, and security

The NFT Reality KUDOS application, thanks to the inclusion of all employees, gives a sense of security and satisfaction, because working remotely or hybrid, they are motivated not only by the form of work but also by KUDOS. When work is not the main pillar of life, but only one of its many elements, such a form of gamification makes the working day more attractive.

Employee benefits

Especially "generation Z" are people who have many passions, sometimes completely unrelated to the industry in which they work or plan to make a career. Therefore, to effectively motivate them to work, it is worthwhile to show support for their private interests, for example, in the form of points on a benefits platform such as NFT Reality KUDOS, which can be exchanged for movie tickets, discounts on vacations, or gym memberships.

Recognition and respect, as well as a sense of acceptance and belonging to the group

NFT Reality KUDOS will not replace at work a charismatic leader who builds partnerships with team members. However, it will allow to improve the management process, introduce a new style of communication, allow openness, and the possibility of self-expression. To meet the demands of the new generation, the manager must respect diversity and avoid stereotypical judgments. In the NFT Reality KUDOS application you can create such categories that work in your company and, for example, based on your values:

  • Supportive;

  • Involvement;

  • Communication;

  • Leader;

  • Warrior;

  • Researcher.

Within these, he can express in words and tokens an opinion that will give the employee wings. Remember always, however, that it must always be sincere.


Each company develops its methods of motivation, aimed at increasing engagement so that members of your team come to work full of enthusiasm, innovation, and positive energy. The NFT Reality KUDOS application is a unique tool for modern HR and every company caring about the wellbeing of employees should try it. 

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